You Are What You Eat


You are what you eat. Literally. Your body makes new tissue from what you eat. Your body is constantly making new cells and tissues out of what you put in to it. In the course of time, every 7 years, every atom in your body is replaced.

What did you eat during the past 24 hours? Low fat and low nutrition isn’t smart. However, high carbohydrates, low fat and quality foods is smart. Trade in fat free doughnuts, which have no nutritional value, for a banana. Getting the nutrients you need makes a difference in how you feel now, and how your body wears for tomorrow.

Also, throw out your scale. Or, if you need a scale… only use it once a week. Weight is not always a true indicator of health. Body composition (fat vs. muscle) is. There are several ways to have your body fat percentage measured, but the easiest way to see if you’ve lost fat is to just stand naked in front of a mirror. The eye is a good judge, that, and how your clothes are fitting.

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