Foot Pain Relief

Do you suffer from pain in the heel, ball of your foot, or toes, and having difficulty getting foot pain relief?  Many will agree that painful, stiff or swollen feet can interfere with many daily activities, for some, it can be seriously debilitating to the point of disability.

A recent survey done by the APMA shows that roughly 77 percent of Americans has experienced foot pain and that “half of all adults say that foot pain has restricted their activities—like walking, exercising, working, or playing with grandchildren—in some way.”(Day, 2014)

Fortunately, there are many options available to help those who suffer chronic foot pain.


Self-help and maintenance of the feet is vital. Regularly stretching and strengthening your feet works to prevent worsening symptoms. To get at-home foot relief, Thera-Band has developed an easy-to-use tool to relieve heel and foot pain, as well as rehab the foot back to health.

Relieve Foot Pain

  • The Thera-Band foot roller is an inexpensive tool. It has ridges on it which work out the areas on the foot that are in pain. It works by breaking up any adhesion caused from overuse or injury, and helps get each segment of the foot moving freely.
  • You can also put the roller in your freezer to get additional cooling relief.
  • Couple the roller with a topical analgesic for pain relief while you heal.
  • Use a resistance band to gently stretch, strengthen, and rehab your foot to get you on the road to recovery more quickly.

Is your foot pain worse due to poor posture? It could be, posture is the foundation for your posture. Contact us and tell us more – we’ll send you tips to get started.


Seeking treatment from healthcare professionals can be greatly beneficial. Podiatrists, chiropractors, physiotherapists and massage therapists can help to ease stiff and swollen foot muscles and joints and might recommend custom shoe orthotic inserts to make standing and walking more comfortable.

Anytime foot pain is sharp, or persists for more than a few days be sure to see a physician for a professional assessment.

Author: Joshua Walker, Chiro1Source

Day, B. (2014, May 19). New Survey Reveals Majority of Americans Suffer from Foot Pain | Press Release | Media Room | APMA. Retrieved December 30, 2014, from

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