Backache, Spasms and Back Pain

Backache, back spasms and other back pain are a symptom, not the cause, of a problem.  Just as a fever is the result of an infection and not the cause of the illness, backaches, spasms and pains are a symptom.

Damage and stress to the spinal joints and discs irritate the same nerves which control muscle contraction in the back, so when the nerves are irritated, they produce pain and reflex spasm. A spasm is the body’s way of stopping motion to protect an injured joint.

Back and spinal injury may come from one big trauma (such as an auto accident) or by the buildup of many small traumas (such as long term unbalanced posture from working on a computer, lifting, or other activity).

For pain relief and correction the preferred professionals are posture specialists, often chiropractors, physical therapists and other practitioners that also hold a specialty training like Certified Posture Exercise Professional (CPEP®).  CPEPs help relieve backaches, spasms and back pain by addressing posture and bio-mechanical problems, and should also recommend specific exercises to strengthen posture (like the 7 Steps to StrongPosture® Program at and prevent future pain.

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